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Best ways to stay motivated

Ever so often we all have started something enthusiastically only to abandon it in a few weeks, days or months. More often than not, it is the lack of motivation. The initial excitement wears off and leaves us with the difficult and practical aspects of the goal. I am no stranger to this feeling. And like most, have faced my own struggles. But, I also figured out how to navigate through them and here are some of my mantras to stay motivated. This is not just applicable to motivation for your fitness goals but you can use these in any walk of your life.

  1. Determine why you want to do this : Is it just weight loss or gain because you want to conform to the societal standards? Do you want to get healthier? Do you want to gain a new skill? Clearly define these reasons and write them down. Look at them daily or when you are tempted to stray.

  2. Have realistic expectations: Nothing good comes quick and easy. And if does, it leaves you that quickly too. Don’t fall for the quick fix diets or transformation programs. Understand your needs, current fitness levels and your limitations. Having realistic goals won’t disappoint when you you find it impossible to achieve.

  3. Focus on process goals: Everyone tends to look at that final number they want to reach and keep getting disheartened when the weighing scale shows something else. I always encourage my clients to look at the other small wins. Are you able to keep up with the whole hour now? Were you able to do 15 reps instead of 12? Was that your first ever push up? No win is small.

  4. Don’t compare yourself to others: You don’t want to look like anyone else! You want to be the fitter and healthier version of yourself. Don’t get swayed by the innumerable social comparisons around us and stick to what’s good for you.

  5. Pick a program that suits you and your lifestyle: Find a plan you can stick to. Apart from focusing on our health, we are all involved in a lot of other important tasks in a day. Work, home, family. Pick a program and diet plan that supports and not disrupts your life.

  6. Hang out with like minded people: You need a social support group. No change can be brought by one. You need positive feedback, someone to give you a slap on your wrist when you make bad choices. Your family and close circle needs to respect your choices and not drag you down by ridiculing or encouraging to fall off track.

  7. Make a commitment: If you make a public commitment you are more likely to follow through it. It keeps you accountable and pushes you every day to move forward.

  8. Plan for challenges and setbacks: There will be daily stressors at work and family, holidays, parties and other changes that will challenge your plan. Being aware and accepting of it and creating healthy coping mechanisms for such situations are important. It’s proven that people who are better at handling stress are more successful in their fitness goals too!

  9. Be positive: Think and talk positively. People who use “change talk” are more likely to reach their goals. Talk about the changes you have made, plan to make and commit to behavioural changes.

  10. Be forgiving: Learn to forgive yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for the burger you had the day before or the bottle of beer. It’s ok to have fun and enjoy what you like. What’s important is, being mindful about it. Don’t aim for perfection and remember, self defeating thoughts are a big hindrance for your motivation.

  11. Find what you enjoy: A fitness program doesn’t always mean running or lifting weights. You can do a lot more and find out what you enjoy. Zumba, yoga, spin, calisthenics. If you don’t enjoy what you are doing, you are not going to stick too long.

  12. Love your body: Taking steps to improve your body image can help you lose more weight and maintain your weight loss. Furthermore, people who have a better body image are more likely to pick a diet they can sustain and try new activities that will help them reach their goals. Appreciate what your body can do.

  13. Celebrate successes: Celebrate! The first time you woke up for the whole week on time? Go get a massage! Give yourself some credit when you accomplish a goal. Celebrate behavioural changes more than a number on a scale. And make sure you aren’t undoing all the good work by that celebration!

  14. Ban the idea of “banned food”: This can get very toxic. Don’t cut out food groups or specific food items unless it’s medically required. Eat moderately, eat mindfully. If you deprive yourself of something the chances of binge eating is high. This is usually followed by guilt trips. Both are big enemies of motivation.

  15. Get professional help when needed: Don’t hesitate to consult professional help to aid your weight loss efforts when needed. People who feel more confident in their knowledge and abilities will lose more weight. This may mean finding a registered dietitian who can teach you about certain foods or a fitness coach to teach you how to exercise properly. Many people also enjoy the accountability that seeing a professional provides them.

You have to remember that this is a process. It would sometimes takes weeks or months for you to reach a place you want to. Change isn’t easy, but is the only constant. Remember you can do it! I am rooting for you!

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