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Can You Exercise During Your Periods?

When it’s that time of the month and you are dealing with cramps, bloating and fatigue, hitting the gym might be the last thing on your mind. But including some kind of exercise can benefit you both, physically & mentally.

For many reasons, a lot of people skip their workouts during this time of the month. But there’s really no reason to skip out on exercise just because you have your period. It can actually help you boost your mood, ease the cramps and even combat the fatigue. Although you might have to adjust your usual workout routine during your periods, staying active can be helpful. Find ways to make it enjoyable but also listen to your body for signs of needing rest.

Benefits of exercising on your periods

Both progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest during the entire length of the period phase of the menstrual cycle, which can make people feel tired and less energetic. With that said, avoiding exercise isn’t going to save energy or make you feel better. Instead of stopping all activity during your period, use this week to try some new workouts.

Combat painful periods

If you are someone who struggles with painful periods, light exercises like walking can help relieve it.

More strength & power

Multiple studies have shown that the first two weeks of your cycle (day 1 being your first day of period) can make you experience higher strength and power due to low levels of female hormones.

Decrease PMS symptoms

If you experience fatigue and mood swings in the days leading up to your period and during your cycle, regular aerobic exercise may lessen these symptoms.

Enhance your mood

Exercise at this time will enhance your mood & increase circulation. Which in turn can alleviate symptoms like headaches, cramps, mood swings etc.

Use the endorphins

Endorphins are released during exercise and are natural pain killer & mood enhancers! Win win!

The best exercises to do on your period

The best exercise during your periods are what you feel like doing. The first few days might be uncomfortable specially if you have painful symptoms.

Stretching and yoga

The two to three days leading up to your period is a great time to engage in activities like yoga, which can help relax your body and potentially reduce symptoms like cramping, breast tenderness, and muscular fatigue and soreness.

Cardio workouts

You can try cardio workouts like brisk walk, jogging, dancing, hiking etc at any time during your periods. These exercises get your heart pumping and work well to alleviate your symptoms.

Low volume strength training

As you have a high potential to increase strength during this period, it’s smart to include some resistance training.

Again. listen to your body and so what you feel comfortable with. Do not forget to stay hydrated and be kind to yourself!

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